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    Major tracking outage…OUCH!!

    There is a lot of talk as Direct Track has been down for about 20 hours. The last update I got from them was at 8:44 AM PST was “Unfortunately, the efforts to restore operability of the storage area network (SAN) have stalled. This is impacting all Digital River platforms, including DirectTrack.” This affects not […] More

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    Clickfather Update – 2/21/2012 Scrubs..

    Scrub a dub dub… No rubber duckies here just a guy in a ski mask! There are all types of crafty names “Optimization adjustment”, “Throttle”, or good old “front end scrub” Being a media buyer I find this nothing short of thievery and feel it should be exposed. It all started back in the early […] More

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    Xy7rockCamp at the Playboy Mansion!!

    Final Xy7Rockcamp Update! Xy7 meets The Playboy Mansion This past Saturday was the culmination of our Xy7RockCamp contest. Congrats to Walter, who spent 4 days practicing and performing with the legendary Phil Soussan and Paul Stanley! The whole band  Walter with Vinny Appice of Black Sabbath We all visited the Playboy Mansion to watch Walter’s […] More

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    Xy7rockCamp at the Playboy Mansion!!

    Final Xy7Rockcamp Update! Xy7 meets The Playboy Mansion This past Saturday was the culmination of our Xy7RockCamp contest. Congrats to Walter, who spent 4 days practicing and performing with the legendary Phil Soussan and Paul Stanley! The whole band  Walter with Vinny Appice of Black Sabbath We all visited the Playboy Mansion to watch Walter’s […] More

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    Pure maddness!

    It’s March Madness time!!     Here we go again! March is a great time for me it is what I thought about when adding a huge plasma to my office a couple of years ago. Last year I had the pleasure of watching round one from Oklahoma with my buddies from Ndemdand affiliates. This […] More

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    ClickFather Newsletter 10-29-10

    I refer to the Internet as the ultimate equalizer where anyone from anywhere can literally be on an equal playing field with anyone else. Most social and economic boundaries can be overcome as long as you can write well, have a cool looking website and possess some knowledge about the More

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    ClickFather Update 10-01-10 Off to Texas!

            Well I am off heading to Texas for the OU/Tex game tommorrow I am so excited!  I do my best to really enjoy what I do and reap the rewards of doing those things well. Of course I am going with other Affiliates so there will be some shop talk  🙂 […] More

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