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Passion and the NFL

Sept 29th Wed 12:03 am                        

Now that I have NFL Sunday Ticket on my TVs and yes iPad as well, I spent a part of this past Sunday watching several games.
The passion many of these players and teams posess is clearly evident and I see why certain teams win and seem to be” luckier” than others. It is not luck, it is preparation. As one of my super affiliates has on his away message, “Luck is where preparation and opportunity meet”.

I think of myself as a pure opportunist. Whenever I see a new or mis-marketed product or service I know there is opportunity to make substantial money  and  I jump on it. I have done this dozens of times over my career.

The only true difference betwen a Super Affiliate and  a struggling  Affiliate is passion and commitment. Have you noticed that the “successful guys” seem to work the most? Even if they are vacationing or living it up, somehow your email still gets answered within minutes? (Read the 4 hour work week. It’s a great book.)

A common trait I have found over the years that all Super Affiliates  do  work more hours and harder. with more focus on a defined goal.  I had the opportunity to spend the day with undoubtedly one of the largest single Affiliates of last year who generated well over 80 million dollars in revenue HIMSELF.

Here is a summary of what he told me…He said once he found a niche he locked himself in a room for 5 straight months and took total advantage of every opportunity he could to make money on this opportunity and then when  he knew it was about over, he called it quits and left it on a high note. then he took 6 months off and now is back with the same fervor and intensity he had last year. That is passion and commitment. Does he need the money anymore?  Probably not.  It is just his makeup to be successful and give 110% to anything he does. As you could imagine his newest venture is crushing it once again with 6 figure daily numbers off the bat.

Super Affiliate Coaching

With that said, I have begun working with and coaching a select number of Affiliates on how to effectively buy traffic on Face book, My ads,Yahoo and a few others. I can take on 2-3 more students. There is no charge although there are  a few requirements.






You have been an Affiliate at least 6 months and have generated more than $5000 commission on any one offer (for any network not just Xy7 or Elite).

You are  committed to what you are doing and have a solid basis for why you are doing it  ie buying traffic for a certain vertical on facebook.

Most importantly,   you have the drive and passion for Affiliate Marketing and want to expand your Affiliate Marketing business.

If you are interested,  send me an email with a brief backround of yourself,  what you are currently doing and what vertical you would like to focus on . I will respond to all requests and pick 2-3 that I feel I can help the most. In addition during Ad tech NYC 2010, I am leaving 4 hours open on day two  Nov 4th of the conference  to meet with any Affiliate or marketer to discuss strategies and ideas.  Last year, I trained a now very successful Internet marketing group to buy dating on social traffic in lieu of going to game 6 of the World Series….It has paid off greatly 🙂

I also am on Aim 16-20 hrs a day to answer any quick questions or give advice on Xy7 or campaigns to run so feel free to hit me up on aim “roidealsdaily”

-The ClickFather â„¢

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Written by TheClickFather

CEO of &


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  1. Aloha ClickFather,

    Passion & commitment seem to be a common theme for the very successful in many arenas but most certainly in the online marketing world.

    I can definitely relate to “the super affiliate” as I am quickly learning that my focus needs to be laser-like and working without interruptions becomes necessary. It’s not easy with a family and other commitments but to make a seven-figure income (or 8 figure), some serious sacrifices obviously have to be made.

    I sure wish I was 24 again!

    Thanks for the great newsletter,


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