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    Clickfather Update – 4/11/2012

    ClickFather Update – 4-11-12 Took some time off… Well I had all the plans made and tickets booked, I updated my Facebook status and in 10 hrs I was heading to Fiji to sit for 12 days and relax in a private resort with only 4 other rooms total. The trip would start with a […] More

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    Clickfather Update – 4/11/2012

    ClickFather Update – 4-11-12 Took some time off… Well I had all the plans made and tickets booked, I updated my Facebook status and in 10 hrs I was heading to Fiji to sit for 12 days and relax in a private resort with only 4 other rooms total. The trip would start with a […] More

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    Major tracking outage…OUCH!!

    There is a lot of talk as Direct Track has been down for about 20 hours. The last update I got from them was at 8:44 AM PST was “Unfortunately, the efforts to restore operability of the storage area network (SAN) have stalled. This is impacting all Digital River platforms, including DirectTrack.” This affects not […] More

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    Major tracking outage…OUCH!!

    There is a lot of talk as Direct Track has been down for about 20 hours. The last update I got from them was at 8:44 AM PST was “Unfortunately, the efforts to restore operability of the storage area network (SAN) have stalled. This is impacting all Digital River platforms, including DirectTrack.” This affects not […] More

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    Clickfather Update – 2/21/2012 Scrubs..

    Scrub a dub dub… No rubber duckies here just a guy in a ski mask! There are all types of crafty names “Optimization adjustment”, “Throttle”, or good old “front end scrub” Being a media buyer I find this nothing short of thievery and feel it should be exposed. It all started back in the early […] More

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    The Value of seeing someone’s expression and reading their body language is not possible through email or even really through Skype. 4 days 2 countries 13,500 miles…as I am writing this I have slept a total of 3 hrs in the last 50. Doing what it takes and going the extra mile is something that […] More

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    Pure maddness!

    It’s March Madness time!!     Here we go again! March is a great time for me it is what I thought about when adding a huge plasma to my office a couple of years ago. Last year I had the pleasure of watching round one from Oklahoma with my buddies from Ndemdand affiliates. This […] More

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    A GLEE-FUL MAY Thanks to Xy7 Elite.

    Well admit it or not Glee has been a smash hit.  I personally am not a fan although my 14 Yr old likes the show and many acquaintances I would call nothing short of  fanatics. This past Friday Feb 11 A select number of tickets and VIP packages came available to a few people in […] More

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    Who can you trust? Clickfather update 1-27-10

    Who Can You Trust? One of the questions I frequently hear from long time media buyers is, “why can’t I trust anyone?” Partnerships or JV’s can be great if both parties each have something unique to offer the other and can combine resources to make more money. I do several JV’s and media buying partnerships […] More

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