in ,

Xy7 Elite Mobil Spy Back!, Fifa ,Swat , and other amazing offers USA and International

The World Cup may be over but our FIFA Superstar Facebook App offer is not over!!
Each day we have gained more and more traction on this offer.  Aus, Italy,Ca, Spain, France, USA and UK all available on this offer!   
Log in now to pull creatives                                                                       **  Please target male 18-34 yr olds





WOOF WOOF new offer!

133184     Bark Off
As Seen On TV Bark Off – Stop your dog from barking anytime, anywhere. Bark Off is the brand new little pet friendly product designed to help you work with your dog to cut down on his or her barking. We all love our dogs but there are times you just wish you could just turn off their barking. Well now you can with Bark Off, the ingenious ultrasonic training aid that finally gives you control over your dogs barking.
Special Instructions:
Restricted Traffic: Google Content, Pop Over/Under and Incentivized Traffic, PPC

$12 per sale   

Traffic Allowed

  • Contextual
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  • Social


There is Still Time to qualify for an Ipad!  
Details here


Mobil Spy Is Back!!!       

We are starting to release our newest version of Mobil Spy. Do not be  fooled by others there currently is only one REAL mobil spy program out there and we have it. 

100% Exclusive to Xy7 Elite

We are currently accepting traffic in Ca ad Aus and holding a waiting list on USA as we have already hit caps on how much volume the carriers can take 🙂 To get on the waiting list please email me.  AU pays $7  Ca pays $6


Email Submit

133155    Email Submit:    $500 Petco Gift Card

$1  converts as high as 18%!

Traffic Allowed

  • Contextual
  • Email
  • Search


Avon!  For Greece and Germany

If you have traffic in either of these countries these is an AWESOME branded offer pays on the first page submit.

Become an Avon rep. Earn income on your own time while helping people.
Converts on first page submit.

Avon – Germany
CID 133012  Pays $4.50

Avon – Greece
CID 133009   pays $3

Traffic Allowed

  • Contextual
  • Display
  • Search
  • Social

TRAFFIC TIP **traffic is super cheap on Facebook for Greece Females 18 plus 🙂


And finally 


Best short form SWAT type Criminal Justice education offer

Criminal Justtice – NEW SWAT PAGE
$13 all this month  Facebook and email Ok!  There is a cap so please check with me directly if you plan on doing over 200 leads a day.


Enjoy the rest of your week,

The ClickFather â„¢



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