I have money printing news….
We just released an awesome dating application called “are you interested” It pays on pressing submit after the app is installed. Several countries are available and the payouts differ greatly by country. Internally we are  focusing on the ones paying $1.50 or above Uk,Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. side note, In our tests as long as you target “relationship” in Facebook they are approving those ads.Â
All start with “are you interested”
I Pad Giveaway update!
We have already given away dozens of I Pads to our Affiliates this month
Congratulatations to all that have qualified!
For those who have not there is still time! go to xy7ipadgiveaway.com for more details
I Phone 4 Case Giveaway OfferÂ
 Have you seen Steve Jobs press conference about reception problems?  bumper cases being given away to anyone that asks for the I Phone 4? Well guess what we have a better deal! Free cases to all Iphone 3, 3G, 3GS and 4 users! This is an exclusive deal coming live today. Our client expects to ship over 1 Million cases just from the effort of our Affiliates!
We are starting a waiting list for placements as the client is concerned that server load will be too much too handle on launch. If you would like to be on the waiting list please email me You can preview the offer @ defaultcase.com great parody video on there 🙂
Mobile Spy USA Is Back!
It’s called:
Spymobil – Credit Card -USAÂ Only On XY7Elite
Pays $15 per lead!
Canada and Aus are available as well….. Jump in on this one as caps always get filled VERY quick.
Much more news to follow in tomorrows update as this is a huge week of new releases. Let’s make some money folks 🙂
Contact me direct with ANY questions aim:roidealsdaily
phone 702-216-4000 or email Kevin@xy7.com
Tech Question? Call Anthony direct 702-216-4006 or aim xy7alves we are here for you guys 24-7 test us 🙂
-The ClickFather â„¢